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About Federation

President: Alireza Dabir

Vice President: Hamid Soryan

Wrestling is national sport of Iran which has roots in Iranian culture and tradition.

The Club ‘'Poolad'' is the first wrestling club which established in Tehran, Shahpour street in 1921.

The first national championship of Iran wrestling was held in 1939 in Amjadie stadium in Tehran.

The first appearance of Iran national wrestling team returns to 1948 in London Olymipic Games.

While, the first appearance of Iran wrestling at World championships was 1951 in Helsinki, Finland and Iranian wrestlers achieved 2 silver and 2 bronze medals

Current Iran Wrestling president is Alireza Dabir.  Alireza Dabir is 2000 Sydney Olympic Games champion in Freestyle  as well as 1998 World champion and three time world silver medalist (1999, 2001 & 2002).

The vice president of Iran wrestling federation is Greco-Roman legendry Hamid Soryan. Soryan is 7 time Olympic and World Champion (2012 Olympic champion and 2005, 2006, 2007,2009, 2010 and 2014 world champion.)

Head coach of Iran senior Freestyle is Pejman Dorostkar and Mohammad Bana acts as Iran Greco-Roman team head coach.

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